Reviews TheaterMania 1776 “Almost steals the entire show.” TheaterMania 1776 -David Gordon TheaterMania 1776 ABC News 1776 “Mesmerizing” ABC News 1776 -Mark Kennedy ABC News 1776 Deadline 1776 “One of its many musical high points.” Deadline 1776 -Greg Evans Deadline 1776 The Wall Street Journal 1776 “Tender and beautifully sung turn as Martha Jefferson…” The Wall Street Journal 1776 -Charles Isherwood The Wall Street Journal 1776 Vulture 1776 “Bone-chillingly beautiful soprano…” Vulture 1776 -James Frankie Thomas Vulture 1776 The Sentinel Ocean City Pops Orchestra "Diversity of styles... expressive sprezzatura" The Sentinel Ocean City Pops Orchestra -Richard Stanislaw The Sentinel Ocean City Pops Orchestra Berkshire Bright Focus Nice Work If You Can Get It “Hilariously portrayed… tackles with fervor” Berkshire Bright Focus Nice Work If You Can Get It -J. Peter Bergman Berkshire Bright Focus Nice Work If You Can Get It Berkshire Bright Focus My Fair Lady “Lyrical voice… makes the show literally flame" Berkshire Bright Focus My Fair Lady -J. Peter Bergman Berkshire Bright Focus My Fair Lady BroadwayWorld Brigadoon “Fantastic performance… icy, legit soprano" BroadwayWorld Brigadoon -Greg Kerestan BroadwayWorld Brigadoon